I got hacked – sorry. PLUS: Graham Parker & the Rumour

Hello Faithful Followers of Solitude & Good Company,

Please disregard the last post. I got hacked. Contrary to the headline, I have not, in fact, found a way to make easy money. Still looking, though. Suggestions are welcome.

To most of you, it was quite obvious what had happened. I re-set my password, so it won’t happen again. If it does, I feel sure the robot apocalypse is finally at hand and my apologies will mean nothing.

While I’ve got your attention, please enjoy a recent feature I co-wrote about Graham Parker with my wife Holly for the webzine Rural Intelligence. GP’s got a new album out with the band that made him famous in the 70s – the Rumour – and he’s in the upcoming Judd Apatow movie This Is 40. Graham’s having a very good year. He’s at the 1 minute mark in the pretty funny trailer below.

This is Holly’s and my first writing collaboration. Click on title below.

Cool Brit Gets Blown Around by the Winds of America

More soon. Hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving, even my non-American followers.


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