Tag Archives: ellington

Conspiracies, Blasphemies, Gouda, and Love Stories

I’ve been busy writing for both Rock Paper Photo and Chronogram. Please find a round-up below.

For RPP, I’ve weighed in on CDs by Fiona Apple, Joe Jackson, Bob Dylan, and Neil Young; I also penned a post about both  Tenacious D’s Rize of the Fenix and the amazing Jack Black, whose performance in this year’s Bernie is a stunner. Rent it.

For Chronogram, I wrote about books by local authors Guy Lawson and John Long and a I reviewed a new CD from my muso friends Mike + Ruthy, whose The NYC EP makes me so proud to know them.


I first saw Mike + Ruthy at the Photosensualis Gallery in Woodstock in, I think, ’06, and they wowed me: vocal harmonies, chops, and a je ne sais pas vibe evoking Dylan and Baez, Parsons and Harris, etc… for my money they’re on a par with all the greats. Seriously.

When their son Willy became an Uncle Rock fan, we crossed paths more often. Last winter Ruthy and I taught a music class in Woodstock and she learnt me “I Been Workin’ On The Railroad,” which is more complicated than you’d think.

Ruthy Ungar and me with cookies made by students at our music class. Pic by Nicole Jurain.

Despite its sophistication, “I Been Workin’ On The Railroad” is instantly memorable to any kid, even if they’ve never heard it before, sort of like “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star.” Witnessing a child as young as three or four apprehend a song so quickly, as if it’s in their DNA, is eerie and cool.

I’m happy to spread the word about Mike + Ruthy’s new release. Click on the image below for my review (more an appreciation, really) of their The NYC EP. Listen and/or buy HERE.

Mike + Ruthy’s The NYC EP.

For my Rock Paper Photo blog posts, click on the pix below.

Fiona Apple by Anna Webber

Joe Jackson by Mark Hanauer

Dylan by Dezo Hofmann

Neil Young by Jay Blakesburg

Neil Young by Jay Blakesburg

Jack Black by Stephen Stickler


Octopus is Guy Lawson‘s deeply researched, true account of Madoff-esque Wall Street hedge fund manager Sam Israel, who loses all his investors’ millions and goes on an international adventure to try to get it back, all the while ingesting copious drugs, falling into the clutches of world-class con men, and suffering from delusions. As with all my Chronogram work, there’s a local angle, and it turns out I’ve met acclaimed author Guy Lawson, whose twin daughters were once, you guessed it, Uncle Rock fans (now they’ve aged out). Plus, Guy’s wife Maya Kaimal is a renowned cookbook author and maker of the most amazing sauces, which we purchase at the local supermarket and consume in vast quantities here at home. My editor knew none of this when she sent me the book. Click on the pic for the review.

Guy Lawson’s Octopus

I also reviewed John Long’s Darwin’s Devices, which turns out to be a pretty interesting account of bio-robots, or evolvobots, i.e. robots designed to evolve in order to teach us about prehistoric creatures and their march toward increasing sophistication. Much info about artificial intelligence, and military use of same. Sadly, no replicants just yet. But someday, definitely. Click on the pic!

Hope you  enjoy all and sundry!